WHILE providing vocational training for special needs students at the secondary level is important to help them lead independent and purposeful lives, early intervention at the preschool stage is a crucial determinant for the children’s future success.
WITH less than two years to go, educators are stressing the need for early intervention if we are to achieve the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 target of enrolling 75% of the country’s special needs children in inclusive programmes.
Lately, my parents have been telling me that when they pass away, I will have to take care of my brother. They said I must not send him to any care home.
THE support of family, friends and a community can be a catalyst when it comes to reducing cases of recidivism and helping former offenders transition back to society, say experts and social activists.Malaysian Care service development director Frederick Foo said reintegration for former convicts was incredibly difficult for individuals who did not have access to necessary support both inside and outside of a correctional facility.
Webinar highlights importance of support in transition back to society.
Malaysian indigenous artist pays tribute to his Semai tribe's way of life in children's book 'Let The Maps Speak!'