Telegram vs WhatsApp: These are two of the most popular free encrypted messaging services in use today, and while the latter is massively ahead in terms of numbers, the former boasts more features than you can shake a stick at. WhatsApp is known to add features at a much slower pace than Telegram — for which the rival service regularly mocks WhatsApp on social media.
After WhatsApp recently announced a new chat transfer feature, Telegram hit back in jest at the service on Twitter with a movie-based Jumanji GIF. Telegram has been offering this feature to its users for a long time.
WhatsApp recently added support for the ability to transfer chats from an iOS device to an Android device. This feature has been requested by users for years, but WhatsApp had been working on a way to securely transfer data from one platform to another. In fact, WhatsApp still doesn't support transferring chats from Android to iOS at this time.
When WhatsApp tweeted about the new feature to transfer chats, Telegram's Twitter account responded to the tweet with a Jumanji GIF that said "What year is it?" — the tweet has received over 12,400 likes and 520 replies at the time of publishing this story.