High school librarian sent nudes to student she sexually abused for months, US cops say

Over several months in 2022, Davenport sexually assaulted and sent nude photographs to a student, an investigator with the sheriff’s office told McClatchy News. The charges involved one student. — Unsplash

A high school librarian sent nude photographs to a student she’s accused of assaulting for months, North Carolina deputies say.

Tyrrell County deputies said Kacey Davenport turned herself in to the sheriff’s office Jan 5. She’s charged with five counts of sexual acts with a student, indecent liberties with a minor, disseminating material harmful to a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The incidents took place over several months in 2022, according to a Facebook post from the sheriff’s office.

During that time, Davenport sexually assaulted and sent nude photographs to a student, an investigator with the sheriff’s office told McClatchy News. The charges involved one student.

Davenport is the media coordinator at Columbia High School, according to the school’s website. The school district did not immediately reply to McClatchy News’ request for comment.

Davenport was placed on a US$100,000 (RM437,800) secured bond, the sheriff’s office said.

Tyrrell County is about 160 miles east of Raleigh. – The Charlotte Observer/Tribune News Service

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