AS a member, I and probably the majority of other members of the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF), the largest pension fund in the country, will not agree to its proposal to have the full withdrawal age upped from 55 to 60. EPF members have the right to a full withdrawal as it is their life savings placed with the fund for many decades. EPF should scrap the proposal as members are bound to oppose it.
The present full withdrawal at 55 should be retained. Leaving the money in the fund is like having it parked as fixed deposit in a financial institution waiting for a maturity date. The depositors look forward to collecting the principal plus interest. Similarly, members of EPF can be categorised as investors or depositors in EPF. EPF contributors know that all the money withdrawn will be gone in a few years’ time if they are not careful with their spending. But most of them are smart and to avoid from being “bankrupt” they would probably invest in unit trusts. It would be heartbreaking for those who have just a few more years left to the full withdrawal eligibility if the proposal goes through, as they would have to wait a further five years before they can withdraw their money.
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